Hello again, Mums and Dads
¡Los GinKaneros y GinKaneras ya están preparados! El Domingo 31  de Marzo en el Tivoli de Benalmadena.

 ¡Que emocionate!

Otra fantástica jornada de puertas abiertas..con los infantiles estamos avanzando y aprendiendo

Viajemos a la jungla a descubrir nuevos animales!!:

walking in the jungle

♫ Let’s take a walk in the jungle.
Walking in the jungle. Walking in the jungle. [Pretend to move tree branches out of your way as you walk in place.]
We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid. [Cross your arms in front of your body and shake your head «no».]
Walking in the jungle. Walking in the jungle. We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward. [Take three steps forward.]
One step. Two steps. Three steps back. [Take three steps back.]

Stop. [Place both hands out in front of you.]
Listen. [Hold your hand to ear.]
What’s that? [Shrug your shoulders and look around.]
It’s a frog! [Frog gesture.] 
We’re not afraid! [Cross your arms in front of your body and shake your head «no».]

Let’s stomp.
Stomping in the jungle. Stomping in the jungle. We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
Stomping in the jungle. Stomping in the jungle. We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward.
One step. Two steps. Three steps back.

Stop. Listen. What’s that?
It’s a monkey! [Monkey gesture.]
We’re not afraid!

Let’s jump.
Jumping in the jungle. Jumping in the jungle. We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
Jumping in the jungle. Jumping in the jungle. We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward.
One step. Two steps. Three steps back.

Stop. Listen. What’s that? 
It’s a toucan! [Toucan gesture.]
We’re not afraid!

Let’s skip.
Skipping in the jungle. Skipping in the jungle. We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
Skipping in the jungle. Skipping in the jungle. We’re not afraid. We’re not afraid.
One step. Two steps. Three steps forward.
One step. Two steps. Three steps back.

Stop. Listen. What’s that?
It’s a tiger! [Tiger gesture.] 

Y con los medianos estamos aprendiendo los días de la semana…empezando con «Sunday»… Domingo

days of the week

… y las direcciones..

move left

Estas son las canciones que cantaremos en tivoli

Un Gran Saludo

Good bye, Thank you, See you

Ginkana    and   Natalia.

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